ex3-qal9000 Demo

ex3-qal9000 Demo#

This is a demonstration done with QAL9000 and ex3 in November 2022. The demonstration can be viewed on youtube here. A blog post was written about the event here.

Download the requirements.txt


Quick Start#

  • Ensure you have anaconda/miniconda installed. You can also use an ordinary python installation.

  • Clone the repo and enter its root folder

  • Create a conda environment:

    conda create -n qaldemo python=3.9
  • Install dependencies:

    conda activate qaldemo
    pip install -r requirements.txt --extra-index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple
  • Get an API token from qal9000.se if you don’t have one.

    Note that you should be attached to a project on qal9000.se or NordIQuEst Resource Allocator before you can get an API token

    It is also possible to use a qal9000 API running on a different URL. You will, however, have to set the QAL9000_API_URL environment variable.

  • Export the API token to your environment:

    export QAL9000_API_TOKEN=<your qal9000.se API token>
  • If you have the QAL9000_BCC_URL (URL to the Backend Control Computer), you can also export it in order to run demo_compute_qmc_frames.py:

    export QAL9000_BCC_URL=<URL to the backend control computer>
  • Run any of the scripts:

    python demo_compute_bloch_frames.py
    python demo_compute_qmc_frames.py
    python show_frames.py


  • Axel Andersson (Chalmers)

  • Martin Ahindura (Chalmers)