Running quantum programs directly in eX3 with Python file#

Loading the module environment

module use /cm/shared/ex3-qc-modules/modulefiles
module load Google/quantumlib/Cirq/cirq-py310-1.1.0

Given a Python file of quantum programs, test.py

First we need to import Cirq and QSim library

import cirq
import qsimcirq

And here an example how to create a quantum circuit with measurement

q0, q1 = cirq.LineQubit.range(2)
circuit = cirq.Circuit(
	cirq.H(q0), cirq.X(q1), cirq.CX(q0, q1),
	cirq.measure(q0, key='qubit_0'),
	cirq.measure(q1, key='qubit_1'),

Then we can simulate the circuit with qsim and return just the measurement values

print('qsim results:')
qsim_simulator = qsimcirq.QSimSimulator()
qsim_results = qsim_simulator.run(circuit, repetitions=5)

You can directly run it in eX3 with the command line

python test.py

And it shall run on the node that you are at and print the results.

Run the quantum programs with sbatch#

You can edit a test.slurm file to run quantum programs. (recommended)

#SBATCH -p defq
#SBATCH --job-name=qsim_test
#SBATCH -n 1     # tasks / ranks
#SBATCH --time 00-1:00:00    # time (D-HH:MM:SS)
module purge
module use /cm/shared/ex3-modules/latest/modulefiles
module load slurm/slurm/21.08.8
source /home/xinyi/anaconda3/bin/activate quito_gpu
srun python test.py

Line 2-5 configures the partition, job name, number of nodes, and estimated time. Line 8 and 9 loads the module environment. The last line runs the Python file. I

You can run this sbatch file with the command

sbatch test.slurm

The results will be printed in a slurm.out file.